Viewing, BIM, collaboration and more

Six reasons your software should use open web technology for viewing

Written by Per Christian Lindstad | Oct 12, 2018 2:09:04 PM

While there are many uncertainties surrounding the future, what it will bring us and how this will impact society as we know it, one thing is still guaranteed: It will be digital.

And the digital transformation isn't just a ride with an end station, because proactive, innovative human beings are not programmed to be satisfied with the technology of today. They always want to achieve more and are constantly looking for improvements.

In the industry of viewing technology, we have taken giant leaps since Adobe launched their portable document format. PDF is fantastic for document exchange, but Rasterex' open web technology takes you further. It can access and utilize the native file structures, and combine data from a variety of sources, like CAD, BIM and PDF. Instead of just being able to display the file, it brings your solutions to life. With built-in annotation tools, your team can collaborate on real, visual data and boost project effeciency. Your journey towards digital transformation has begun.

In the coming years we will discuss a lot about digital twins, standardized data models and virtual reality. But dobody knows exactly how our industry will look like in the next 5, 10, or 15 years, and that's the exciting part for the team here at Rasterex.

We will always innovate!

AutoVue from Oracle and Brava from OpenText, have already raised their white flags on the technology evolution. Yes, their standards might still meet some of the demands you have today, but by giving up on further development of their products, they will no longer be able to provide the support you need in your digitalization process.

This means that the ball is in your court, and a good question to ask yourself is: Can you afford to use a viewer that will not meet the requirements of tomorrow?

At Rasterex, we will continue to innovate and improve our software, so we're always able to give you the best product possible. Our objective from day one has been to provide the best viewing technology solution on the market. This means that neither we have an end station. And that’s our guarantee to you!

Benefits of HTML5

In parallel with the digital transformation, viewing technology is bound to be increasingly important, regardless of if you're working with BIM, CAD, project management or digital archives. A universal viewer doesn't really care what you do, because it can visualize anything.

In fact, we like to say that a true universal viewing API is like a Swiss army knife.  

An API based on HTML5 gives you many benefits:

  • The solution can be integrated with any system
  • You can visualize data from ERP and CRM systems
  • It's cloud ready and uses open technology
  • It’s device and platform independent
  • It lets you seamlessly share information
  • You can collaborate with others and make real time updates

A solution that’s not based on HTML5, loses much of the power that makes universal viewing such an important tool. There’s a lot of truth in the saying “seeing is believing”, and the users today demand that the information they need is available at their fingertips. By 2020, 42% of all work force will be mobile, which means you have to adapt.

By continuing to improve our solution, we will let you do just that, and ensure to give you the best possible working conditions, no matter in what destination technology takes us.

Your choice of software will define how smooth the ride will be.